Perayiram paravi thevaram
Perayiram paravi thevaram

Hope you like these pictures from our event, our sincere thanks to Prasanna for helping with photography this month and sending us these Crystal Clear Captures for us to enjoy. Rangaprabhu pitched in as an additional photographer to help take pics of various groups, thank you Prabhu. Thanks to Nithya Prakash yet again for bringing tea without even me asking for it, for our hard working volunteers. Our sincere appreciation goes to all our core team volunteers who help with various aspects of our event logistics. Please do share your feedback either directly on the website (YES, we do have provision for that too!) or via usual email J Last but not the least, we could NOT have done it without Namdev’s technical guidance all throughout the process, thank you Nami! We now have a cool website that boasts many features including a COMMUNITY CALENDAR to post Carnatic Events held in the bay area (anyone can add a Carnatic event to this and I strongly encourage all students performing elsewhere to post it here instead of sending out emails), contact info of our resident musicians, individual pics of our volunteers, and more. Subha helped us with creating the teachers’ collage, Anandhi helped fix all the errors in our events migration, Vivrd helped migrate budding artists from old to new, and Vaidy helped fix all the errors in the budding artists migration. Our special thanks to Radha for creating the logo and many landing page images to give the website a colorful and context based look and she also helped us with testing the website. Neyveli sir also helped us launch our brand new CCC revamped- website at and our sincere thanks to Srini Bala who helped us build it (we worked on it since March 2018) and it was gratifying to see the results of the team’s hard work that went into creating this beautiful, new website. Icing on the cake was when Neyveli Sir spoke in detail about each of our ten performances and every single one of our performers & accompanists, will share that video separately. Vivrd’s RTP in Gurupriya was absolutely a delightful performance with Apurvaa and Pranav supporting him. Our OTS accompanists Aishwarya, Urmika, Tejas, Sriram, Srihari and Santhosh call for special mention. We introduced Shriya Krishnan, Arjun Bharat and Sahana Kumar on the vocals, Mythri Sekar on the violin while rest of the repeat performers presented their segments with zest and maturity. We had ten solo performances, nine on the vocals and one violin solo and every single one put up their best show. It was a very special event for all of us in CCC last Sunday as we had Sri Neyveli Santhanagopalan sir in the audience, who blessed all our performers and accompanists with his encouraging words, actions and smiles from the first row, during the entire show! It was such an honor for me personally and our CCC performers that sir attended our event in full, amidst his hectic schedule. Vivek Arvind(student of Sri Ganesh Ramanarayanan)

Perayiram paravi thevaram